
觀光事業學系Department of Tourism

  • 升學方向:畢業生可攻繼續攻讀國內外之觀光事業、餐飲管理、旅館管理、運動休閒…等相關研究所之碩博士班。
  • 就業方向:觀光學生畢業後就業出路廣泛,可擔任
  1. 旅行社之觀光行銷人員、業務、領隊、導遊、票務…;
  2. 航空公司的地勤人員與空服員…;
  3. 旅館業相關經營管理人員;
  4. 餐飲飯店業之經營管理人員;
  5. 休閒主題遊樂園區之經營管理人才;
  6. 公務機關之行政人員…
This department aims to cultivate students with professional and practical capabilities of cross-disciplines including tourism, culture, history, ecology, geography, catering and hotel management. After graduation, students are expected to work in key positions of middle-to-high levels in tourism and hotel management through a learning-by-doing model that combines theory and practice.
  • Further education: Graduates can pursue an advanced study of master's and doctoral levels in related research institutes such as tourism, catering management, hotel management, sports and leisure at home and abroad.
  • Employment: Graduates are open to a wide range of employment opportunities by serving as: 
  1. tourism marketing personnel, sales representative, tour leaders and guides, and ticketing services personnel for travel agencies; 
  2. ground staff and flight attendants of airlines; 
  3. management personnel of hotels;
  4. management personnel of the catering and restaurant industry; 
  5. management personnel of leisure and theme amusement parks;
  6. administrative personnel of public agencies, etc.



