
工業管理與經營資訊學系Department of Industrial Management and Enterprise Information

  • 學系特色:本系專業知識與職場技能並重,解決企業經營的效率化、全球化及資訊化的迫切問題,目前所提供的課程涵括品質計量、生管、物管、職業安全衛生、人工智慧及經營資訊等相關課程,培育一群優秀的人才。
  • 未來展望:
  1. 升學:報考國內、外工業管理、工業工程等研究所。
  2. 證照:ERP軟體應用師、職業安全衛生管理技術士、品質管理師、品管工程師、品質技術師、工業工程師等相關證照。
  3. 就業:擔任品管技術師、系統分析師、物管人員、製程工程師、品管工程師、企劃人員及廠務助理等。
  • Departmental features: This department focuses on both professional knowledge and workplace skills with a mind to solving the problems raised from doing business, globalization, and informationaliztion. Currently, the courses offered include quality calculation, production management, product management, career safety and hygiene, artificial intelligence, operational information. Its purpose is to develop talents.
  • Prospects for the Future: 
  1. Further education: Our graduates are prepared for further study at domestic and overseas postgraduate schools in such fields as industrial management and, industrial engineering.
  2. Licenses and certificates: Professional certifications include tests for ERP software consultants, occupational safety & health technicians, CQM, QC engineers, CQT, industrial engineers, etc.
  3. Future careers: Our graduates can serve as professionals like CQT, system analysts, material managers, process engineers, QC engineers, planners, and factory managers.





