系所介紹 Introduction to Programs
資訊工程學系Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
- 升學:大學部畢業生可考取國內外的資工、資科、資管、電機、多媒體、通訊…等資訊相關研究所;碩士班畢業生可攻讀上述相關系所之博士班。
- 就業:軟體工程師、韌體工程師、系統分析師、網頁設計工程師、通訊軟體工程師、電玩程式設計師、電子商務技術主管、專案經理等。
This program develops students’ professional skills in information technology (IT) with a core knowledge of information engineering. Given the rapid transformation of the society, students find prospects in the IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, virtual reality (VR) and multimedia applications, and information security.
- Directions of further education: Graduates may pursue study for IT-related master’s or doctoral degree, in such fields as information engineering, computer science, information management, electrical engineering, multimedia, communication, etc.
- Directions of employment: Graduates are highly desirable in the IT industry and play competent roles such as software design engineers, firmware design engineers, computer system analysts, web design engineers, communication software engineers, video game designers, E-commerce technical leaders, software project managers, etc.