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Unit Members





Center for International Affairs

Telephone number:(02)26212121#1172;(02)26294497



1.Maintain the exchange students from cooperated universities and promote the coordination project

2.Promote international exchange activities between the exchange students from cooperated universities

3.The relevant job for the school selection of overseas exchange students

4.Assist each unit of the university campus to hold the International Symposium

5.Participate in international affairs and International Education Seminars

6.Related matters about providing hospitality for international guests

7.Assist overseas recruitment operations and propaganda material preparation

8.Organize the culture and language camp for foreign students during the winter and summer period.

9.Provide the information of study abroad and handle the study abroad lecture.

10.Assist to promote the campus internationalization

11.Promote the school foreign language learning atmosphere and environment

12.Establishment of scholarships and other related international exchanges

13.Regularly transmit foreign exchange university journals

14.Other related matters

Chun-Hsiao Chu

Telephone number:+886-2-26212121#1172;+886-2-26294497



1. Responsible for the international and coordinate the overall management of the business of cross-strait exchanges and related matter.

Vivian Lee

Telephone number:+886-2-26212121#1173;+886-2-26294497


1. Handling all issues concerning Admission Counseling for overseas Chinese students.

2. Handling visitor visa extensions and Alien Residence Certificate for overseas Chinese students.

3. Handling all issues concerning scholarships for overseas Chinese students.

4. Handling all issues concerning financial aid for low income overseas Chinese students.

5. Treasurer of Overseas Chinese Department.

6. Handling National Health Insurance for overseas Chinese students

7. Handling Registration and student withdraw notification for overseas Chinese students.

8. Handling all issues concerning work permits for overseas Chinese students

9. Handling overseas Chinese student club activities

10. Handling special circumstances for overseas Chinese student.

11. In charge of the publication of the overseas Chinese student Handbook.

12. In charge of overseas and mainland student recruitment.

13. Assist overseas recruitment operations and propaganda material preparation

14. Completing all other assigned tasks.





Cherry Cheng

Telephone number:(02)26212121#1174;(02)26294497



1. Maintain the exchange students from cooperated universities and promote the coordination project

2. Promote international exchange activities between the exchange students from cooperated universities

3. The relevant job for the school selection of overseas exchange students

4. Related matters about the overseas sister-school students exchange to Taiwan

5. The exchange students from cooperated universities come to Taiwan for program planning and counseling.

6. Related matters about providing hospitality for international guests

7. Assist overseas recruitment operations and propaganda material preparation

8. Organize the culture and language camp for foreign students during the winter and summer period.

9. Completing all other assigned tasks.




Jin Qin

Telephone number:(02)26212121#1171;(02)26294497



1. Handling all issues concerning Admission Counseling for overseas Chinese students.

2. Handling visitor visa extensions and Alien Residence Certificate for overseas Chinese students.

3. Handling all issues concerning scholarships for overseas Chinese students.

4. Handling all issues concerning financial aid for low income.

5. Handling Registration and student withdraw notification for overseas Chinese students.

6. In charge of overseas and mainland student recruitment.

7. Assist overseas recruitment operations and propaganda material preparation

8. Completing all other assigned tasks.



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